庄司夏子のインスタグラム(natsuko.ete) - 8月31日 09時00分

@humanrightswatch (以下HRW)は、アメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク市に本部を置き、世界各地の人権侵害と弾圧を止め、世界中すべての人々の人権を守ることを目的に世界90か国で人権状況を監視している国際的な人権NGO 団体です。
先日、日本で開催されたHRW 主催のチャリティ・オークションにétéでの食事券2名を寄付提供させて頂き、110万円で落札頂きました。

I would like to report on charity auction hosted by HRW that became of our donation of dine at @ete.restaurant for 2 people auction lot raised over 1 million yen .

@humanrightswatch (HRW), headquartered in New York City, USA, is an international human rights NGO that monitors human rights situations in 90 countries around the world with the aim of stopping human rights abuses and oppression and protecting the rights of all people worldwide. Also HRW was a founding member of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, for which it received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997.

All proceeds will be used for HRW's human rights protection activities in Japan and abroad, including the "A Home for Children Who Cannot Live with Their Parents" project.

For example, there are more than 40,000 children in Japan who cannot live with their parents, and about 80% of them live in group homes. But in other developed countries, the majority of children grow up in foster care and other settings. The Convention on the Rights of the Child also states that the highest priority should be given to children growing up in a family environment. In an effort to change the current situation in Japan, the Center has been making policy proposals to the national and local governments since 2013, and last year, the law was revised to establish "foster parent support centers" throughout the country to recruit, match, and support foster parents. In Japan, the number of people who want to become foster parents is increasing, but the reality is that less than 40% of cases actually result in a match, due to the limited number of personnel at the child guidance centers that perform the matching process. In the future, the private sector will be able to play a role as a foster parent support center, and it is hoped that the number of children who can grow up with foster parents will increase, and I would like to support for them.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



