ニーナ・メルセデスのインスタグラム(lifewithmariza) - 8月3日 07時09分

??Question, do you work out alone, with a partner, in a group or do you have a trainer? What works best for you please comment below ??
Upper body workout for triceps, shoulders and biceps.
?Weighted dips using a 25 plate•
?Lateral raises with resistance courtesy of Gio•
?Bicep Curls with resistance•
??‍♀️ Listen to @giotraining he's like "That wasn't hard" ? lol umm yes yes it was hard look at my face. I love working out with this guy check him out!! _
If your struggling to stay motivated find a group class, a health coach with an accountability group or a personal trainer. Mixing things up in the gym will keep you excited and motivated.
**Tips for staying motivated**
?Join a Group•
?Create a schedule for workouts and stick with it•
?Create a playlist for the gym and a motivational YouTube playlist for cardio•
?Buy new clothes for workouts •
? Get a fitness watch to track you daily•
? Be accountable in a group or to someone •
?Create a vision board with small goals and reward yourself when you hit them
? If your looking for results click the link in my bio now I offer meal plans, workouts and an accountability group. ??‍♀️ My next challenge starts August 9th with a 500.00 prize!
#motivation #results #transformation #weightlosstransformation #workout #gym #exercise #gioknows


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