ニーナ・メルセデスのインスタグラム(lifewithmariza) - 7月28日 06時18分

?? Yes it no on the tiny sunglasses? I need your opinion before I fully commit. Please comment below ??
I was scrolling on social media and feeling like I wasn’t sure about these but everyone else was doing it. I don’t want to be out of style but I also want to set myself apart and not follow the trends all the time. To counter it I bought a big pair of Versace sunglasses lol ?
It’s hard not to let social media influence you but do your best to stay in your own lane. ? little things are okay but there are things I draw the line about. Like living out of my financial means to impress others or modifying my body to be accepted. Do things that make you happy fam.
#sunglasses #fads #trends #instagood #sun #moods #mood #sleek #create #style #lifestyle #travel


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