Symmetry Breakfastのインスタグラム(symmetrybreakfast) - 11月3日 02時48分

Lágrimas de Dolores @lagrimasdedolores, a relatively small and new producer of mezcal in Durango, Mexico. I visited earlier this year to see how they grow the Agave durangensis, locally known as cenizo. These huge plants are harvested anywhere between 30-40 years old and shaved down to the core called the piña that is full of natural sugars. They’re roasted outdoors imparting the signature smokey flavour. After they’re crushed into a chunky fibrous pulp it is left to ferment in open vats for 3-10 days depending on the time of year. The juice is separated and distilled several times, increasing its alcohol content giving us mezcal. A very shortened version of events but the basic process! #symmetrybreakfast


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