青葉市子さんのインスタグラム写真 - (青葉市子Instagram)「 今年の初め、2度訪れた久高島。ユリイカの取材のため先ずはライターの橋本倫史さんと、旧正月に渡る。白い光の道をすべる時、黒揚羽がひらひらと、瞬きする睫毛のようにしばらく頬へ影を落としていた。岬にて、オーストリアから台湾を経てここへやって来たという痩せた青年に出逢う。私が抱えていたピアニカを嬉しそうに吹きながら、波の音と戯れる。Andyと名乗っていた彼は帰りの舟も一緒で、岬であんなに楽しそうにピアニカを吹いていたのに舟の上では無口だった。握られていたコーラの缶が赤すぎて眩む。彼は自動的に物語のクリーチャーのモデルとなった。 橋本さんと光について言葉を交わす。マース煮をつつきながら、私たちはゆっくりと光の呪縛から解かれていった。  2月になり写真家の小林光大さんと合流する。座間味に渡り、そこでアダンの存在を知る。阿真のあたりで「アダンです」と言われて見上げるとゴツゴツしたアダンが夕陽を受け橙にこちらをのぞいていた。幾つかのまだ見ぬ映画のシーンが過ぎる。それらのうち、もっとも強く見た景色を、今作『アダンの風』の5曲目に書いた。  写真は2度目に渡った久高のアダン。   *   Kudaka Island, visited twice in earlier this year. I went there on Lunar New Year with interviewer Tomofumi Hashimoto @hstm1982 for the "Eureka" magazine at first time. When I slid down the path of white light, a black swallowtail butterfly guided me. Her shadow on my cheeks, like a blink of eyelashes. At the cape, I met a skinny young man who came here from Austria via Taiwan. He played happily my Pianica with the sounds of waves for a while. Andy, called himself on the same boat for back. He was playing Pianica so happily at the cape, but silent on the boat. Coke can was so red and dazzled that he hold. He became the model for creatures of my story automatically. After that, I talked with Mr. Hashimoto about light. While eating the salted fish, we were slowly released from the curse of light.   In February, I met photographer Kodai Kobayashi @tengoyola . We went to Zamami Island. I found out about Adan there. "It's Adan." He said.  When I looked up, the rugged Adan turned reddish in the setting sun on Ama Beach.  The Adan was looking into us. I imagined some unseen movie scenes. Of those, I wrote the scenery that appeared most strongly in the lyrics of the fifth song of this work “Windswept Adan”   The photo is Adan of Kudaka (second time)  * Adan = Kewda   #アダンの風 #WindsweptAdan」11月7日 4時20分 - ichikoaoba

青葉市子のインスタグラム(ichikoaoba) - 11月7日 04時20分





Kudaka Island, visited twice in earlier this year. I went there on Lunar New Year with interviewer Tomofumi Hashimoto @hstm1982 for the "Eureka" magazine at first time. When I slid down the path of white light, a black swallowtail butterfly guided me. Her shadow on my cheeks, like a blink of eyelashes. At the cape, I met a skinny young man who came here from Austria via Taiwan. He played happily my Pianica with the sounds of waves for a while. Andy, called himself on the same boat for back. He was playing Pianica so happily at the cape, but silent on the boat. Coke can was so red and dazzled that he hold. He became the model for creatures of my story automatically.
After that, I talked with Mr. Hashimoto about light. While eating the salted fish, we were slowly released from the curse of light.

In February, I met photographer Kodai Kobayashi @tengoyola . We went to Zamami Island. I found out about Adan there. "It's Adan." He said. When I looked up, the rugged Adan turned reddish in the setting sun on Ama Beach. The Adan was looking into us. I imagined some unseen movie scenes. Of those, I wrote the scenery that appeared most strongly in the lyrics of the fifth song of this work “Windswept Adan”

The photo is Adan of Kudaka (second time)

* Adan = Kewda



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



