Monika Waleckaのインスタグラム(monika__walecka) - 7月15日 02時47分

What an inspiring workshop I had this morning, where under guidance of @baronchef we had a chance to encounter cooking with some Korean fermented foods like black garlic, red ginseng or doenjang paste.
Together with my besties @daretocook and @nakarmiona we cooked some simple dishes that, thanks to our super umami ingredients , turned into something new and exciting: potato purée with black garlic (omg), aubergine paste with gochujang paste and last, but not least - fava bean salad with doenjang soybean paste, herbs and fermented ginseng root.

Amazing, inspiring time, time to stock up a pantry with some Korean boxes and jars :) #korea #koreanfood #koreansuperfood #koreansoulfood #therootofhealing #wholenewlevelofspicyandsavory


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