ニーナ・メルセデスのインスタグラム(lifewithmariza) - 4月8日 05時37分

😫 Have you ever had to stay strong in the face of adversity? I’ve had a trying weekend please drop some love in the comments 💕
Today I’m reminded how terrible and hurtful people can be. I’m reminded everything I do is to help others and that’s God plan for me. No one can take what God has planned for my destiny.
I feel like God is reminding me not to focus on pins, money or recognition. Stay focused on the people I’m able help because that is a blessing. That is the purpose from my heart, reach as many people as I can and help them feel better from the inside and out.
Remember your self worth should come from within. The world will not always recognize your efforts but that’s okay you were given a gift use it. I literally had to ask myself “God what are you trying to teach me” because I see what your doing. This is a test ✨
As I release this energy and come to terms with my situation. I want to remind you and myself that the devil always shows up before a blessing. Don’t ask why me say try me! Don’t be so quick to quit when adversity hits. Nothing great comes easy! Your loved ❤️
#adversity #motivation #entrepreneur #hustle #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurs #success #millionairemindset #inspiration #leadership #entrepreneurship #life #dreamlife

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