ヘイゼル・フィンドレーのインスタグラム(hazel_findlay) - 12月6日 05時25分

As hard as I try and despite being a full-time climber for the last 6 years I still fall into climbing goals like a coin falls down the drain. I came to the valley thinking I had the goal of climbing FreeRider in a day. But unfit from a finger injury and lacking motivation I felt aimless. The valley felt too big for me. Dan McManus and @madeleine_cope said they were going to camp on top and try the headwall of the Salathe. Wanting to hang out with my friends @jonny__baker and I followed. Two weeks later here I am on the top of El Cap having freed the Salathe. In my life I've had only one climbing goal that I trained for and completed. The rest came to me. I'm not sure whether to improve my goal setting, or continue in my natural but directionless way of going climbing and seeing what happens. Any ideas?


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