ヘイゼル・フィンドレーのインスタグラム(hazel_findlay) - 10月1日 18時02分

What’s it like being recognised (especially when you’re not totally comfortable with being visible)? 👇

- Being recognised and having people know things about you (when you know nothing about them) is really weird. I find the exchange feels uneven, unnatural and awkward and have never got used to it (but I’m working on it).
- There are huge cultural differences in how people respond. Americans usually HAVE to say something. Brits and most europeans usually don’t say anything but it’s still easy to tell that someone has recognised you, there are big giveaways so don’t think I don’t know 🫣
- Once I was recognised and I denied being me. I said I just ‘looked like Hazel Findlay’. It just came out and it was funny but it was also dishonest 🤥
- It’s really funny when people recognise me, my face looks familiar to them but they don’t know who I am. They think that I am someone they’ve met in the past and they are trying to place me and it feels weird to say ‘umm you’ve probably just seen me on YouTube’ 😆
- Something that often happens in gyms is that a staff member won’t know who I am and ask normal questions like ‘have you ever been climbing before’ ‘do you need to rent shoes’, and then when they find out who I am they get all embarrassed and apologetic. FYI I am not offended at all by questions like this and don’t mind (actually prefer) not being recognised so please don’t feel bad.

Anyways I’m working on being cool with all this. JUST BE COOL HAZEL! 🫠 And maybe I can call myself a proper grown-ass woman when I feel totally comfortable with these interactions. Just one more @africabrooke podcast…😆

@jjkelleyfilm photo 🙏 @blackdiamond @lasportivagram


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