ヘイゼル・フィンドレーのインスタグラム(hazel_findlay) - 5月5日 03時24分

There is a moment in the TV show Fleabag (highly recommend btw) where she’s talking about her dead Mum and she says ‘I don’t know what to do with it’ and her friend Boo asks ‘do with what’ and she says ‘with all the love I have for her’.

Grief is so weird. Anything is a reason to be sad: a birthday, a news story, a memory, even happiness. You either numb to it all, or you feel it all.

I guess I’m in the ‘feel it all’ camp. Downsides are crying a lot (which can be awkward and impractical) and being exhausted all the time 🥱 benefits are being able to feel all the joyful moments too. To quote Brené Brown: “We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.”

There are no short cuts, beta sheets or cheating this one, just feeling it all. Hats off to everyone who’s had to manage grief, especially at a young age ❤️

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