TED Talksのインスタグラム(ted) - 2月11日 07時48分

Pandemic-induced social isolation has put more stress on the many people who are living with depression. While you've probably found yourself wanting to contact friends and family members who have depression, maybe you hesitated because you didn't know what to say or you worried about imposing on them. But, as mental health awareness advocate @BillBernat puts it, "Depression doesn’t diminish a person’s desire to connect with other people — just their ability." So, he adds, reach out. But don’t tell them to “get over" their depression, and do speak to them in a normal voice about normal stuff, not just their depression. “If you talk to a depressed person as if their life is just as valuable, intense and beautiful as yours, then there's no need to build a bridge between you because you've closed the chasm.” Watch Bernat’s full TED Talk here: http://t.ted.com/YIeWCUH


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