YUKI FUJIWARAのインスタグラム(wagashi_art) - 11月5日 12時07分

今日の和菓子 : 迷いと悟り

京都の源光庵にある「迷いの窓(四角) 」と「悟りの窓(丸) 」。四つの角は人間が逃れられない四つの苦「生・老・病・死」を、丸は雑念のないありのままの心を象徴してるとか。そんな四角と丸の窓を通して見える庭園は、まるで額縁で切り取られた自然の絵画そのもの。窓から見える秋色に染まった世界をイメージした錦玉の和菓子です。

Today’s Wagashi : Autumn through Windows

A small temple located in northwest Kyoto, Genkō-an is famous for its strikingly original windows; “Window of Confusion” and the “Window of Enlightenment”.
On the right is a rectangular window that is known as the “Window of Confusion”, with each of the four corners representing the suffering mortals are destined to go through in their life: birth, old age, disease, and death. Beside it is the circular “Window of Enlightenment”, whose lack of corners represents the Zen concept of the universe and an enlightened life beyond the pain of mortality. These confectionary visualize the Japanese autumn scenery through the windows.


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