ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 8月31日 06時40分

“Utopia to me is an amorphous concept and is thus best embodied through abstraction. With Mondrian’s works, aesthetic balance is achieved via asymmetry, blending an array of elements into a balanced whole without a dominant center. This feels aptly metaphorical for a well-functioning democratic society; the fact that Trafalgar Square was made in reference to a city which provided Mondrian refuge during World War II also recalls the grave dangers into which nationalism and populism can potentially lead, a message that should resonate today.” –Jan (@janhpostma), our Chief Financial Officer

What artwork embodies the world you want to live in? Inspired by the contrasting visions of the world presented in our current exhibitions “Bodys Isek Kingelez: City Dreams” and “Toward a Concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia, 1948–1980,” our staff searched for utopia in #MoMACollection. See what they found at mo.ma/picks. #MoMApicks

[Artwork details: Piet Mondrian. “Trafalgar Square.” 1939–43. Oil on canvas. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. William A. M. Burden]


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