ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 8月25日 02時40分

“Irish designer Richard Malone was inspired by his working-class background to create a unisex garment made out of recycled yarns from a factory near his studio in North London. The Jumpsuit Specimen not only alludes to egalitarian notions of gender and labor equality, but it also envisions a world in which garments are produced responsibly and ethically.”
–Anna (@annaburckhardt), curatorial assistant in our Department of Architecture and Design

What artwork embodies the world you want to live in? Inspired by the contrasting visions of the world presented in our current exhibitions “Bodys Isek Kingelez: City Dreams” and “Toward a Concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia, 1948–1980,” our staffed searched for utopia in #MoMACollection. See what they found at mo.ma/picks. #MoMApicks
[Work details: Richard Malone. “Jumpsuit Specimen.” 2017. Recycled acrylic knit and plastic boning. Gift of Ted Chung. Installation view of the exhibition, "ITEMS: Is Fashion Modern?," October 1, 2017–January 28, 2018. Photo: Martin Seck.]


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