ニーナ・メルセデスのインスタグラム(lifewithmariza) - 6月24日 05時59分

Who wants more booty workouts? Can I post more? Comment below please ??
? Bent over cable donkey kicks -
1. Attach an ankle cuff (or Glute Strap) to your right ankle/foot, and clip yourself to a cable resistance machine.
2. Sit your hips back slightly, hinging at the hips, so that your glute and hamstrings are slightly stretched.
3. You can rest your hands on the cable machine stand for balance.
Keeping your hips level, tighten your core to hold your back straight in a neutral position.
4. Use your glutes to lift your right leg directly back behind you in an arc.
5. Squeeze the glutes at the back of the movement.Depending on flexibility you should try to extend back beyond the line of your torso, as this will really hit the glutes.
6. Return the leg back to the starting position, being sure to keep tension on the cable even in the start position. This is one rep.
7. Complete the desired number of reps and repeat on the other leg.
#workoutmotivation #gymmotivation #workout #gym #bootyworkout #booty #glutes #fitness #fitmom


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