ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 2月18日 13時05分

Susan Kare is the graphic designer that created most of the icons for the early Macintosh computers in the 1980s--remember the the smiling Mac at startup?--as well some of the most famous fonts, like Geneva, Monaco, and Chicago. She donated to MoMA some of her sketches for the Graphic User Interface icons (1982). Shown here are some ideas for 'debug' and 'reboot.' The sketches are currently on display in the exhibition "This Is for Everyone" on the third floor of the museum. This is Paola Antonelli (@paolantonelli), Senior Curator of Architecture & Design at MoMA. You can also follow me on Twitter at the handle "curiousoctopus." I now sign off wishing you good night, and good luck.
#insideMoMA #design #susankare #TIFE #thisisforeveryone #GUI #macintosh


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