国立アメリカ歴史博物館のインスタグラム(amhistorymuseum) - 11月2日 23時16分

Every election cycle has ill-fated slogans and campaign novelties, but few did so poorly as the "soap babies" issued by both William Jennings Bryan and William McKinley's campaigns in 1896.

Several factors—including technology innovations and emotionally charged campaign issues—led to an explosion of campaign items in the 1896 presidential election. Some, like the pinback button, are still part of campaigns today. Soap babies. . .not so much. Each one of the novelties included an infant-shaped soap resting in a cardboard box, complete with a tag promoting the polices of the relevant party: "I am for McKinley and Sound Money" vs. "I am for Bryan and Silver." Future politicians abandoned these items apparently because voters thought they looked too much like babies in coffins.

These soap babies are just two of the tens of thousands of campaign objects in our collections. Today, November 1, you can ask our curator Claire Jerry any questions you have about our campaign collections on the @スミソニアン博物館’s Instagram Story. Follow the link in our bio to visit today's story: https://s.si.edu/2I0b5B2

Interested in learning how you can vote in your home state or territory? Visit @us.eac’s website to find polling locations and other useful information: https://eac.gov/vote

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