安間佐千のインスタグラム(sachiamma) - 9月15日 23時13分

今日、瑞牆山の大ヤスリプロジェクトの核心ピッチをようやっと抜けることができた。これは完登したわけでもないし、社会的には何の意味も持たない登攀だ。だが未熟ながらエイドクライミングの技術を取り入れ、グランドアップにこだわってきた僕と @crazy.ryoma にとって、このセクションを切り抜けることは大きなブレイクスルーだった。大ヤスリを見上げ、"登れるのでは?"と抱いてきた夢が、今日の登攀で"登れる"と確固たる確信に変わったのだ。

We just managed to reach the finish ledge of the crux pitch of O-Yasuri project at Mizugaki. We are trying to climb it ground up. And it doesn’t mean Redpoint. We just went through the route with the technic of aid climbing.
Doesn’t mean anything for society. But it was huge break through for us. It was dream to climb this line but we new that the line exist!!!


We kept falling at the last slab part last year . But today finally I climbed this part by aid climbing which took me over 2 hours. I god toothache from clench because I was in huge runout.


Chapter one of O-Yasuri project has done. I would love to free climb it someday. It is still dream. It will took me many years but I am going to try!

怪我なくここまで来れたこと、嬉しく思う。 @crazy.ryoma ありがとう!そして陰ながらサポートしてくださるスポンサーや友人たちにも、感謝です🙏

I am so happy to come this point without any injuries. Thanks a lot for my partner @crazy.ryoma . And also lovely friends who support us🙏

@adidasterrex @fiveten_official @petzl_official #mizugaki #瑞牆山 #大ヤスリプロジェクト


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