サマンサ・ペスゼックのインスタグラム(samanthapeszek) - 7月3日 01時28分

10 exercises & repeat for 15 min.

- Standing side to side: 20.
- Standing knee to elbow: 10.
- Standing knee to elbow in front: 10.
- Standing knee in (80’s move): 20.
- Standing fingers to toes diagonal: 20.
- Push up position (hands out feet out..): 10.
- Push up position knee to side elbow: 10.
- Plank hold: 30 sec.
- Plank rocks: 20.
- Plabk army crawls: 10.

Proud of @luanpeszek for her two days in a row streak. Not proud that she tried to cheat numbers today...
Ya win some, ya lose some. 🤪


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