下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 6月25日 13時15分

Dear Friends and Allies,

Last month, I selected 20 watercolors for my latest online exhibition titled “Home Sweet Home”.

Covid-19 took away any sense of the ordinary, and in exchange, gave many of us more time for reflection. This unexpected abundance of time gifted me the opportunity for self reevaluation in the face of life, death and social injustice. Despite tremendous pain, many of us find small moments of happiness. A most precious and unexpected surprise.

When I think of “Home”, I recall my late half-sister Chi Chan. She was 12 years older than me, and she was intellectually disabled. I have recently started the process of introspection, of peeling away layers of complexities of Chi Chan's life and the way she was treated by society. An Instagram post or two does not do any of this justice, but I want to start by writing, little by little, about these feelings and using my artworks to communicate. It's the best way I know how.

In the midst of our calls for racial injustice in America, I initially felt uncomfortable about making such a personal announcement about this exhibition. But the truth is, discrimination against vulnerable populations hurts everyone in society. Their voices need to be heard. I need to stand up for the person closest to me who had no agency and who is no longer here to speak for herself.

I have decided to donate 10% of sales of these watercolors to @creativegrowth the Oakland-based non-profit that serves artists with developmental, intellectual and physical disabilities.
It would be my absolute honor if some of my little paintings could find their Home Sweet Home, and to give back to help a community that formed me as an artist. Please join me in supporting and lifting up their member artists.

Gratitude to @hypebeastart and @HYPEBEAST for writing about the exhibition. Until JULY 3 !
*Link in bio*
Thank you for reading 🙏🏽

#VitaminC #CreativeGrowth
#outsiderart #artbrut #japanesewatercolor


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