村上隆のインスタグラム(takashipom) - 5月20日 12時44分

Yesterday, I had a meeting with a scroll mounter in Kyoto about our new folding screen artwork.
Up until around the end of March, I was working diligently with ceramicist Shin Murata @muratashinwolf and his wife Fusako @egifusako to open our collaboration store, Tonari no Murata @tonari_no_murata , but we had to forgo the opening due to the influence of COVID-19. This time, I visited Kyoto in part to discuss our plans going forward and to check up on a few things I had noticed recently about the store.
Although the stay-at-home orders/recommendations are gradually being lifted in Japan, the bullet train was inevitably empty. Kyoto is truly wonderful; here, art businesses that carry on history, including stores specializing in calligraphy tools or karagami paper for traditional sliding doors, all but extinct in Tokyo, are still going strong. I was moved by my encounter with each such business and got teary eyed.
I am glad that I got to see the Muratas for the first time in a while and have a productive meeting.
Special thanks: SEIKOU_DO ・NAKAJIMA & @gallery_taigado
translation: @tabi_the_fat
昨日は京都の表具屋さんで、新作屏風の打ち合わせをしました。陶芸家の村田森さん @muratashinwolf と扶佐子さん @egifusako とコラボレーションのお店、『となりと村田』 @tonari_no_murata をオープンしようと3月末迄頑張りましたが、COVID-19の影響で、オープンを断念。今後の成り行きや最近気づいたアレコレを確認するために京都に出かけました。日本は少しずつ外出禁止令も緩和してきてますが、流石に新幹線はガラガラです。京都は本当に素晴らしく、書道の道具や唐紙専門店など、東京では絶滅した歴史を繋ぐ芸術の業態が頑張ってくれてます。一つ一つに感動しジーンと来て涙がポロリ。村田夫妻ともしばらくぶりに会えて、打ち合わせもできて、良かったです。

謝辞: 株)静光堂中島 @gallery_taigado


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