ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月28日 08時36分

Thanks to all of you for voting in our Instagram Story on your favorite Nat Geo photo from the past decade. While it was close, this was the highest rated.

Photo by @amivitale | Joseph Wachira shares the final moments with the world's last male northern white rhino, Sudan, moments before he passed away at @olpejeta, in Kenya. All was silent, except for the rain falling, a single bird scolding, and the muffled sorrow of Sudan’s caretakers. Watching a creature die—one who is the last of its kind—is something I hope never to experience again. It felt like watching our own demise. My hope is that this heartbreaking moment will be our wake up call. These giants are part of a complex world created over millions of years, and their survival is intertwined with our own. Without rhinos and elephants and other wildlife, we suffer a loss of imagination, a loss of wonder, a loss of beautiful possibilities. When we see ourselves as part of nature, we understand that saving nature is really about saving ourselves. Sudan taught me that. Today there is a glimmer of hope for the northern white rhino. Today only two females are left in the world, but plans are in place to try in vitro fertilization to breed them. Follow @amivitale and @biorescue_project to learn more.
In the last decade, Nat Geo photographers took 21,613,329 images in the quest to document the world and everything in it. This image was chosen as one of the 15 images that resonated most with us.


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