ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 8月3日 20時42分

Whether you are beginning in fitness or have been training for a while, there is ALWAYS something new to learn. Even something that seems simple, like a lunge, has SO many different variations. STATIC lunge, ALTERNATING lunge, WALKING lunge, REVERSE lunge!?! What's really important is that as you begin to learn these variations, you learn with CORRECT form to help get you the best results and avoid injury. To help you learn SAFELY, I've broken down the most common lunge variations for you and included some important call-outs when it comes to correct form!⁣

Static Lunge⁣

✅Take a large step forward.⁣
✅ Lower your back knee to the ground ensuring your torso remains upright.⁣
✅Ensure your front knee is in line with your toe.⁣

Alternating Lunge⁣

✅Using above concepts, alternate between legs by stepping back to a neutral standing position for each rep.⁣
✅Engage your core to prevent you from swaying from left to right.⁣
✅Ensure your knees are not pointing inward.⁣

Walking Lunge⁣

✅It is important to maintain your form as you fatigue. In particular, it's SUPER important to keep a neutral spine.⁣
✅Try to keep each step the same length, ensuring your front knee remains in line with your toe and your feet are hip width apart.⁣
✅Ensure to drive through your heels each step.⁣

Reverse Lunge + Knee Up⁣

✅Focus on keeping your front knee in line with your toe.⁣
✅Ensure your hip, knee and ankle create a straight line (don't let your knee fall inwards).⁣
✅Ensure your torso remains upright, your feet are hip width apart and you push through your heel as you return towards a standing position.⁣
✅Keep your core and glutes engaged as you drive your knee up.⁣

How did you go?! Comment below if this has HELPED you learn or improve your form 😃.⁣



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