キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月17日 02時05分

In moments of distress, the last thing you want to hear is “calm down”. When you’ve been wronged, hurt or abused, the least consoling thing is to be told not to be angry. I know first hand. Just because I’m a yogi doesn’t mean I don’t get triggered into the “negative” side of the emotional spectrum. But when I do, it’s like people hold me to some lofty standard of perfection and say that I’m no longer a good yogi because I’m anxious, upset, distressed, depressed or angry. Let be clear. I’m human. I come with the full range of human emotions. I make no claims to be beyond my humanity. Nor does yoga state that you will never feel negative emotions again. Yoga does not promise that after 1,000 downward dogs you will experience good vibes only.
The promise of yoga is a tool that helps you maintain a center or resolution, like a rock that withstands even the most challenging storms. Yoga teaches how to work with, understand and accept yourself wholly, so that means your good, bad, and in between days just the same. Being on the spiritual path doesn’t mean you’ll be perfect (even though in your imperfection you are already perfect). What it means is that you’re willing to do the work, to face, love and make peace with yourself in totality. You have to be willing to drink yourself and all of life in fully, not just the parts that are easy to swallow.
For those of you who are angry, sad, depressed, anxious, upset and otherwise triggered, here is what I say to you. Do not deny your emotional reality or else you will deny yourself. If people look down upon you when you’re in thick of your struggle, it’s their own discomfort with their own shadow reflecting back on them through you. Their rejection of you has nothing to do with you. You don’t owe them anything. You owe yourself everything. Every tear that sits uncried is a burden on your heart. Every scream that remains silent strangles your voice. Your feelings are valid, the nice happy ones and the dark twisted ones too. Both sides of the emotional coin are working for your spiritual evolution. Find a way to say yes to it all and you will say yes to your whole being. This is yoga.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



