僕たちはCamarasaという人口約900人ほどの小さな町にアパートを借りて住んでいる。美しいCamarasaの渓谷の入り口で、窓を開ければ美しい岩壁が見える。レスト日の今日は朝からパソコン仕事で寝室にこもっていたのだけど、夕陽を山頂から見に行くことに決めていた。夕方になって、車を走らせたのだけど、意外とタフな道で、山頂には車では入っていけないことがわかった。刻々と過ぎて行く美しい光の時間を、寂しく車の中で過ごしながら、Mongaiという町に下りた。湖のほとりにある小さな町だ。そしてこの写真の景色に出会う。1日の疲れを忘れて、見入ってしまった。頑張ったご褒美だなぁ。 We are staying in small village Camarasa. It is the entrance of the valley of Camarasa and there is a beautiful view of rocks when I open the window of my room. Today was rest day and I was working with my PC all day long but I had decided to go on the top of the mountain and see the sunset. It became evening, we started driving but the road was very tough and we couldn’t reach to the top. The beautiful light time is passing. We were disappointed and gave up and start going to the supermarket. When we go through the village Mongai, we found this view. It was a gift for me who worked a lot today! #camarasa #mongai #Spain #catalunya @hide9a2019

sachiammaさん(@sachiamma)が投稿した動画 -

安間佐千のインスタグラム(sachiamma) - 12月18日 05時04分


We are staying in small village Camarasa. It is the entrance of the valley of Camarasa and there is a beautiful view of rocks when I open the window of my room. Today was rest day and I was working with my PC all day long but I had decided to go on the top of the mountain and see the sunset. It became evening, we started driving but the road was very tough and we couldn’t reach to the top. The beautiful light time is passing. We were disappointed and gave up and start going to the supermarket. When we go through the village Mongai, we found this view. It was a gift for me who worked a lot today!

#camarasa #mongai #Spain #catalunya @伊東秀和


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



