Today was a heavy practice. There was a time when I would have thought that meant it was a bad practice. Both in the yoga poses and during sitting meditation I felt a heaviness that I could only describe as pressure. It was almost a headache but it surrounded my entire body, like a fog. It was also mental, think and opaque. _ The training in the spiritual path in moments like is equanimity. Simply observe and take no action. Do not try and make the heavy feeling go away, be mindful of the feeling, curious about its manifestation and explore it with an innocent mind. If you notice yourself judging the feeling remind yourself that all feeling is ok and focus on just feeling what is. _ It takes practice. At first it seems insane that you would be able to abide in such discomfort with a peaceful disposition. But, eventually, the mind changes, softens its attachments to a particular outcome and losses its identification with the ego. What’s left is a gracious heart in a field of awareness that sees and holds all possibilities. _ Not every practice feels good. And that’s ok. The purpose of yoga is not to deliver a good feeling practice. The purpose of yoga is to teach you how to live a better life. And truthfully some of the practices that feel the worst are the best teachers of life living. _ I left the mat today in a slow, quiet space. My words were deliberate and thoughtful. Normally I’m fast and perky. But as I found myself annunciating every syllable that rolled off my lips I noticed time slowing down with me. Days pass by in a flash with hours spent staring at the phone. We wonder where the time goes as almost every feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day. But what if we actually have all the time in the world and we just need to slow down enough to find it? _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Outfit is my design for @omstarsofficial x @liquidoactive Photo @sigismondiphotography ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月15日 09時48分

Today was a heavy practice. There was a time when I would have thought that meant it was a bad practice. Both in the yoga poses and during sitting meditation I felt a heaviness that I could only describe as pressure. It was almost a headache but it surrounded my entire body, like a fog. It was also mental, think and opaque.
The training in the spiritual path in moments like is equanimity. Simply observe and take no action. Do not try and make the heavy feeling go away, be mindful of the feeling, curious about its manifestation and explore it with an innocent mind. If you notice yourself judging the feeling remind yourself that all feeling is ok and focus on just feeling what is.
It takes practice. At first it seems insane that you would be able to abide in such discomfort with a peaceful disposition. But, eventually, the mind changes, softens its attachments to a particular outcome and losses its identification with the ego. What’s left is a gracious heart in a field of awareness that sees and holds all possibilities.
Not every practice feels good. And that’s ok. The purpose of yoga is not to deliver a good feeling practice. The purpose of yoga is to teach you how to live a better life. And truthfully some of the practices that feel the worst are the best teachers of life living.
I left the mat today in a slow, quiet space. My words were deliberate and thoughtful. Normally I’m fast and perky. But as I found myself annunciating every syllable that rolled off my lips I noticed time slowing down with me. Days pass by in a flash with hours spent staring at the phone. We wonder where the time goes as almost every feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day. But what if we actually have all the time in the world and we just need to slow down enough to find it?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime
Outfit is my design for @omstarsofficial x @liquidoactive
Photo @sigismondiphotography ?


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