There is a difference between the average thought that pervades the mind and an immersive experience in the Divine. It’s hard to explain, but you can feel the difference quite clearly, or at least I can. If you’re practicing yoga, chances are that you either have already experienced the eternal nature of the universe, even if only for a glimpse or that you’re hungry for a taste of that timeless presence. _ When I first started yoga, it was with a yearning for a more peaceful life. But there was more. I wanted to know the truth about life, about God, about being ness. And I didn’t only want to read about it a book and study intellectually. I yearned for a direct, first person experience that would be my own. Perhaps it was ego, perhaps it was youth, or perhaps it was something in my heart that knew instinctively that it would be possible. After all these years of practice, the thing that keeps me coming back to my yoga mat and my meditation cushion is the chance to dive into the clearing that opens up when all the thoughts stop and only silence remains. To be lost in stillness and to be found in the realm of the spirit. To be caught in a dream that is more real that anything else. To dissolve into infinite and yet remain here and now. _ We are all beings of radiant light. Every single one of us. Even the ones that don’t seem to shine, they are, at their core, the same. Some of us may feel like we have lost of ability to shine, but it doesn’t mean it’s not innately and inherently who we are. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo @ifilmyoga @themeridianclubtci @wellxplored ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月9日 23時21分

There is a difference between the average thought that pervades the mind and an immersive experience in the Divine. It’s hard to explain, but you can feel the difference quite clearly, or at least I can. If you’re practicing yoga, chances are that you either have already experienced the eternal nature of the universe, even if only for a glimpse or that you’re hungry for a taste of that timeless presence.
When I first started yoga, it was with a yearning for a more peaceful life. But there was more. I wanted to know the truth about life, about God, about being ness. And I didn’t only want to read about it a book and study intellectually. I yearned for a direct, first person experience that would be my own. Perhaps it was ego, perhaps it was youth, or perhaps it was something in my heart that knew instinctively that it would be possible. After all these years of practice, the thing that keeps me coming back to my yoga mat and my meditation cushion is the chance to dive into the clearing that opens up when all the thoughts stop and only silence remains. To be lost in stillness and to be found in the realm of the spirit. To be caught in a dream that is more real that anything else. To dissolve into infinite and yet remain here and now.
We are all beings of radiant light. Every single one of us. Even the ones that don’t seem to shine, they are, at their core, the same. Some of us may feel like we have lost of ability to shine, but it doesn’t mean it’s not innately and inherently who we are.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime
Photo @ifilmyoga @themeridianclubtci @wellxplored ?


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