キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月11日 04時52分

The best attitude that I can cultivate to live life well is one with a peaceful heart. Whenever I am too attached to any goal to any particular direction, it messes me up. Even if it’s just that I want to do a really good job, even that desire plays with my headspace. It’s like when I’m just having fun, when I’m earnestly just interested in seeing what wants to happen, then all things are possible. But as soon as I want to “do” it, then there’s a layer of tension that interferes with the flow of energy. This is perhaps a simple illustration of the beauty of non-attachment. If you’re able to simply explore the moment without any agenda, then you’re spontaneous and free. But there’s a balance. The trick for me is actually to find non-attachment amidst great focus and effort. To try with all your heart and all your soul, but to try with an attitude or joy and playfulness—this is magic to me.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Video by @ifilmyoga @beachenclave @wellxplored
#turksandcaicos #tci #handstand #yoga ?


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