Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 12月7日 08時00分

👰🏻🥂guess who found her wedding dress and is about to burst in happiness?!💜💜

1 stressful week and a billion dresses later lol!🙆🏻‍♀️

but safe to say that I was not anticipating how emotional this experience was going to be - the idea of getting married to my best friend is so surreal💘 there was a time, not too long ago, where being married was the LAST thing I thought I'd ever experience.

moments like today remind me of where I once was, and how grateful I am to be alive - to actually experience the outcome of self-love and recovery. to feel life in my bones and rhythm in my feet. to actually fit into a wedding dress and FEEL stinkin' beautiful without ANY criticism or remorse💜

a long story made short:

life can be so darn good when we accept the good; when we believe we deserve the good🌻💪🏼

ps: thank you everybody for your patience in me as I navigate through wedding things😩. regular posting will commence starting tomorrow!💜💜

pps: I filmed my wedding dress experience - it will be on YouTube this Sunday😉 (ryan if you're reading this you are not allowed to watch, love you!!!!)


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