Livのインスタグラム(livlogolding) - 6月11日 17時15分

The most popular question I am asked is “Where do I get my motivation for fitness”? My reply is 100 percent and only ME! Truth is, we can buy books, videos, memberships, clothes and never use them. We can have friends, relatives, partners who work out, and never work out ourselves. If you want it, ONLY YOU can get it! I started the tag #FITSPHERE500 to demonstrate that it doesn’t take time, equipment, or a lot of knowledge to get moving. All it takes is a little spark to find motivation. So, I am extending CORE x 100 as this weeks theme. To drop down, film or photograph your sit ups as a challenge to stop making excuses to yourself and others. All you need is you! #fitsphere #fitasfs #environmentallyfit


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




