...Dec 2017... . . バス停越しに見たマルタの地中海?? Mediterranean seen throw a bus stop in Malta. ?? . 「マルタってどこの国ですか?」 って、よく聞かれるんだけど、マルタは「マルタ共和国」という立派なEU圏の国です。 ちなみに現首相は女性?✨ . . さて、マルタの交通手段についてのおはなし。 マルタは小さい国なので電車が走っておらず、バスが主要な交通手段です。 1乗車200円くらいでどこまでも行けちゃう安さは嬉しいのだけど、乗りこなすのがほんとに一苦労。言うなれば”三苦労”くらい? . バス停で待ってても、手でサインしないと止まらずに通り過ぎちゃうし、スケジュールより早く通り過ぎることもあれば全然こないこともあるし、1時間待ってやっときた!と思ったら満員(日本人の感覚からすると乗車率60%くらい)で止まらずに通り過ぎてくし…。 現地の人もやれやれ状態なバスです(笑)?‍♀️?‍♂️ これがマルタ風ということで許容するしかない。笑 . . 主要なバス停には、写真のようなガラスの待合所があって、 ガラスの壁には「マルタ語」でポエムの一部が書かれています。 この、バス停のガラス越しに見る地中海の夕暮れが、ほんとーにキレイなんだよなぁぁー。。 . . マルタ共和国はイタリアの真下に位置してるから、マルタ語はイタリア語に似てるのかな、と思いきや、 60%がアラビア語、20%がイタリア語、15%が英語、5%がその他言語。 なのに”Hello”は”ボンジュール(フランス語??)”という、かなり複雑な言語です(笑) . こんなにも違う、マルタ語と英語の両方を操るマルタ人はほんとにすごいなぁ。 しかもヨーロッパの人って、日本みたいな島国と違って国が近いから、平気で4-5ヶ国語理解できちゃう人が多いし? 英語だけで四苦八苦してるのが悲しくなってくるよ? . . So far, I want to talk about the transportation in Malta. Buses are the most common way to travel in Malta. We can travel anywhere in Malta with just about 1.5€, but it’s very very difficult to get on. . If the bus comes to my bus stop, without the BIG sigh to the driver, it passes in front of me. Even before the scheduled time!! So when I wait the bus at the stop, I have to keep attention to the road every moment. And if I find the bus after waiting 1 hour, it passes ‘cause it’s crowded. (For us Japanese people, it’s only 60% congestion!!) . The local people are also feeling tiresome about it, we can do anything about it?‍♂️?‍♀️ I should tolerant about this that “this is Maltese bus”. . But at the bus stop, there are walls made by glasses and poems are written on them. Mediterranean sea with magic hour seen through this is very romantic ♡ . . BTW, I want to talk about the Maltese language. Maltese are thought that it’s similar to Italian language cause it’s very near, but it’s not. 60% of them come from Arabic, %. Even “Hello” is “Bonjour”!! It’s really complicated. I wonder how Maltese people learn 2 or more completely different languages. That’s really amazing for me.( I’m struggling just for English!!) . . . ?とあるバス停/マルタ
?unknown bus stop/Malta .
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?詩歩の留学の記録はこちら #shiho_ryugaku

shiho_zekkeiさん(@shiho_zekkei)が投稿した動画 -

詩歩のインスタグラム(shiho_zekkei) - 12月8日 06時58分

...Dec 2017...
Mediterranean seen throw a bus stop in Malta. ??
So far, I want to talk about the transportation in Malta.
Buses are the most common way to travel in Malta. We can travel anywhere in Malta with just about 1.5€, but it’s very very difficult to get on.
If the bus comes to my bus stop, without the BIG sigh to the driver, it passes in front of me. Even before the scheduled time!! So when I wait the bus at the stop, I have to keep attention to the road every moment. And if I find the bus after waiting 1 hour, it passes ‘cause it’s crowded. (For us Japanese people, it’s only 60% congestion!!)
The local people are also feeling tiresome about it, we can do anything about it?‍♂️?‍♀️
I should tolerant about this that “this is Maltese bus”.
But at the bus stop, there are walls made by glasses and poems are written on them. Mediterranean sea with magic hour seen through this is very romantic ♡
I want to talk about the Maltese language.
Maltese are thought that it’s similar to Italian language cause it’s very near, but it’s not. 60% of them come from Arabic, %. Even “Hello” is “Bonjour”!! It’s really complicated.
I wonder how Maltese people learn 2 or more completely different languages. That’s really amazing for me.( I’m struggling just for English!!)
. .
?unknown bus stop/Malta
?Thank you for supporting BLUED Co., Ltd


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