…Nov 2017... . マルタはニャンコだらけの島?❤️ Malta is a “cat island”! . マルタは東京23区の半分程のコンパクトな国。 人口は43万人ほどで、日本でいうと長崎市や町田市と同じくらいの人口だそう。 . が、なんと、、、 人口の「2倍」もネコがいると言われています??? . ネコを求めて日本各地を周っているわたしにとっては「THE 天国」? . 毎日ネコを見ない日はありません。 . 野生ゆえ警戒心の強い子が多いけど、 ついつい目で追っちゃって、 知らない間に口元が緩んでしまうのでありました?❤️ . この写真のニャンコは、週末旅をした隣島「ゴゾ島」にある #シュガンティーヤ遺跡 の敷地内で発見?? . シュガンティーヤ遺跡はユネスコの世界遺産の一部。 エジプトのピラミッドが造られる1000年以上も前から存在していて 「巨石文明」当時の姿を残してる、超絶貴重な遺跡なんです。 世界的に見ても、最古の宗教遺跡のひとつだとか。 . 5500年も前に存在していた人類と同じ場所に・・・!!! 数千年のトキを越えて自分が立っているなんて・・・!!! 歴女の血が騒いで仕方がありませんでした。 . Malta is a very compact country that is just the half area of Central Tokyo. The population is about 430,000, same as Nagasaki city’s or Machida city’s in Japan. . BUT…the number of cat is twice as much as the number of the residents in Malta!!!? Here is just “heaven” for me ‘cause I really love them♡ Everyday I see them everywhere in Malta. . Sometimes they are too cautious because they are wild animal, not in a cat-cafe in Japan;P But I tend to follow them with the eyes and to break into a smile☻ . I found her in #Ggantija temples in Gozo island. This prehistoric heritage remains at least 5500 years, 1000years before the Pyramids were built in Egypt. And this is one of the UNESCO world heritage site. . I couldn’t easily imagine the fact that I was HERE the same place where the ancient people were really exist. I was sooooo excited to be this place ‘cause I really interested in old history. . . .
?somewhere in Gozo island/Malta
?Thank you for supporting BLUED Co., Ltd
You can see my Maltese memories from here (Canadian life also)

shiho_zekkeiさん(@shiho_zekkei)が投稿した動画 -

詩歩のインスタグラム(shiho_zekkei) - 11月30日 04時39分

…Nov 2017...
Malta is a “cat island”!
ネコを求めて日本各地を周っているわたしにとっては「THE 天国」?
知らない間に口元が緩んでしまうのでありました?❤️ .
この写真のニャンコは、週末旅をした隣島「ゴゾ島」にある #シュガンティーヤ遺跡 の敷地内で発見??
Malta is a very compact country that is just the half area of Central Tokyo.
The population is about 430,000, same as Nagasaki city’s or Machida city’s in Japan.
BUT…the number of cat is twice as much as the number of the residents in Malta!!!?
Here is just “heaven” for me ‘cause I really love them♡
Everyday I see them everywhere in Malta.
Sometimes they are too cautious because they are wild animal, not in a cat-cafe in Japan;P
But I tend to follow them with the eyes and to break into a smile☻
I found her in #Ggantija temples in Gozo island.
This prehistoric heritage remains at least 5500 years, 1000years before the Pyramids were built in Egypt. And this is one of the UNESCO world heritage site.
I couldn’t easily imagine the fact that I was HERE the same place where the ancient people were really exist.
I was sooooo excited to be this place ‘cause I really interested in old history.
?somewhere in Gozo island/Malta
?Thank you for supporting BLUED Co., Ltd
You can see my Maltese memories from here (Canadian life also)


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