詩歩のインスタグラム(shiho_zekkei) - 11月12日 17時30分

A bridge of autumn leaves where you can have the view all to yourself !🍁 景色を独り占めできる紅葉の一本橋

愛媛県 #内子町 にある #小田深山渓谷 。今回の愛媛旅はこの紅葉シーズンにあわせてやってきました!


写真スポットとして有名なのは、この丸太橋!なんと手すりが片側(しかもワイヤー2本w)しかなくて、なかなかスリリング😂 すれ違いできないので、対岸で人が待っているときは怖くても渡らないといけません。笑 (橋があるのは「廻り岩」の近く!)



小田深山渓谷の観光情報はこちら @iyokannet https://www.iyokannet.jp/spot/3665

愛媛県さんのお仕事で取材してきました🍊これまでの絶景写真は #詩歩のえひめ旅 でまとめています / Posts of this area can be found in this tag. #shiho_ehime

We visited #Odamiyama Valley in Ehime Prefecture, Japan. This trip was timed to coincide with the season here! This is a spot where the autumn foliage is at its best early because the elevation is 750 to 1,500 meters above sea level, which is cooler than in the normal areas. The maple trees along the 1.5km-long canyon are in full color, and you can enjoy strolling along the well-maintained paths.

This #logbridge is famous as a photo spot! It is thrilling because the handrail is only on one side. Usually, the best time to view the autumn leaves is from the end of October to the beginning of November. On this day, the leaves were changing color nicely, but unfortunately, a rain storm hit the area the day before, so the leaves were a little scattered. The weather was unpredictable! Still, I enjoyed the strong remaining maples and the beautiful carpet of fallen leaves.

📷7th Nov 2023
📍愛媛県 小田深山(おだみやま)渓谷 / Odamiyama Valley , Ehime Japan 



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