ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 8月10日 07時33分

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle believed in fairies? Tony Oursler's "Imponderable," currently on view, explores our belief, or disbelief, in all things supernatural. ? The exhibition includes an immersive “5-D” cinematic environment utilizing a contemporary form of Pepper’s ghost—a 19th-century phantasmagoric device—and a range of sensory effects. Also on view are objects from the artist's personal archive of ephemera relating to stage magic, spirit photography, pseudoscience, telekinesis, and other manifestations of the paranormal. ? Visitors are welcome to enter or exit the theater at any time, but if you want to catch the full 90 minutes, here's the daily screening schedule: 9:35 am (Member Early Hours); 11:10 am; 12:45 pm; 2:20 pm; 3:55 pm; 5:30 pm (Fridays only). [Tony Oursler. "Imponderable." 2015-16. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. © 2016 Tony Oursler. Photo: Jonathan Muzikar. Digital image © The Museum of Modern Art, New York]


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