ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 8月9日 04時31分

? Celebrate #InternationalCatDay with these two fabulous felines on view in "From the Collection: 1960–1969." These posters by Gil Brown (left) and Bob Fried and Jacobs (right) are part of a floor-to-ceiling installation highlighting the explosion of print media in the 1960s. Youth-focused, expendable posters and print multiples literally plastered walls, and blurred the lines between pop culture and art. These psychedelic posters are among the 350-plus works from every curatorial department of the museum, our library, and our archives bringing a fascinating decade to life in the exhibition, which is on view through March 12, 2017. [Installation view of "From the Collection: 1960–1969." The Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 26, 2016–March 12, 2017. © 2016 The Museum of Modern Art. Photo: Martin Seck] #1960sMoMA


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