大英博物館のインスタグラム(britishmuseum) - 3月21日 04時44分

Today is the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere! To mark the first official day of spring, we’re highlighting springtime images from around the world.
This Indian painting, made around 1700, is from an album of 14 miniatures, including 11 related to the seasons. In this painting, the blue and gold shaded sky heralds the month of Vaisakh, the spring season. The shield and sword near the two figures at the top suggest that the man is about to leave for war. The foreground depicts travellers, one of whom is blindfolded suggesting that he is blinded by the pain of separation from his beloved.
An inscription on the top of the work features a verse from poet Keshavdas' Baramasa (song of the seasons): ‘The earth and sky are filled with fragrant breezes blowing gently. All around there is fragrant beauty. But the fragrance is blinding for the bee and painful for the lover who is away from home. The nayika says to her beloved, “I pray you having taught me the pleasures of love making, do not talk of leaving in the month of Vaisakh, as the arrows of Kama (the God of love) are hard to bear in separation.”’
#Spring #springequinox #history #India #painting #art


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