大英博物館のインスタグラム(britishmuseum) - 3月20日 20時56分

Today is the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, where day and night are equal! We’re celebrating the first day of spring with some springtime images from around the world.
The viewing of cherry blossom in the spring was traditionally one of the most important annual events of the imperial court in Kyoto. In this scroll from c. 1828–1853 by Japanese artist Sumiyoshi Hirosada an ornate pleasure-boat with an elaborate awning carries a group of court women beneath the cherry trees. Two maid-servants are punting, while behind them sit two women in elaborate court dress – one decorated with cherry flowers. As they admire the blossoms, one woman uses her fan, while another shields her eyes with her hand. In the background a willow tree is just coming into leaf, and yellow flowers, possibly Japanese yamabuki (kerria), bloom on the river bank.
#Spring #springequinox #Japan #cherryblossom #art #history


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