トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 2月27日 16時28分

Isn't it funny how people judge a book by its cover, we base our perceptions on what our eyes tell us and in an instant we are either pleased or offended. I've written five books, I'm studying to become a personal trainer, raising two children alone and keeping a million plates spinning daily. But if somebody sees a picture of me in lingerie and leaves me a crude message to which I don't reply then apparently I'm stuck up, rude and obnoxious. Never mind the fact that I was admitted to hospital all weekend for internal bleeding or rushing to take my children to school and work. I'm 28, I'm not perfect, I don't have a rule book to follow I just go about my day with love and kindness trying to make the world a better place for my family and others. So I'm sorry if I can't personally say hello to 600,000 people at once, I see you and I appreciate you all, please show me the same consideration in return ?????? #love #peace #namaste #girl #girls #blonde #blueeyes #face #smile #beauty #fitness #fashion #blogger #model #socialinfluencer #mum #mom #mummy #mommy #parent #family #singleparent #inspire #motivate #grow #study #happy #happiness


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