トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 2月26日 22時03分

I see so many people constantly wishing they were something more than they are and it upsets me. "I wish I was richer, I wish I had a girlfriend, I wish I could get fit" why waste your time wishing when you can get out there and achieve your dreams? If you're not happy with your life then do something about, make that change, try something new and take responsibility for your own actions. I love my life, I do everything and anything I have ever imagined and I see my existence as the opportunity to be all that I can be, to teach my children about the wonders of love and kindness and do all that I can to help others. If you can think of it then it's possible and the sooner you start trying the sooner you'll reach happiness and success ??????? #love #peace #namaste #yoga #yogi #chair #blessed #thankful #thanks #positive #body #mind #soul #happy #happiness #life #learn #grow #control #balance #dontquit #win #winner #winning #anythingispossible #yes #ican #iwill #ishall


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