トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 2月26日 17時27分

My darlings please help me to bring a little light and love into the world by supporting my charity fundraising page www.crowdfunder.co.uk/teamkiss my aim was to raise £10,000 for ten incredible charities and so far I'm at 7! Please help me to finish the final 3. For every £10 donation or higher I'll send a very special thank you photo for your support and as always I show where the money is donated and how it helps people, check out the about section of www.tracykiss.com to see what I've worked on so far. Wishing you a wonderful day my darlings?????? #love #peace #namaste #please #thankyou #help #helpme #helpothers #randomactofkindness #charity #fundraiser #fundraising #girl #girls #blonde #light #pompoms #selfie #support #makeadifference #makelove #makelovenotwar #together #team #teamwork


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