国立アメリカ歴史博物館のインスタグラム(amhistorymuseum) - 1月21日 00時23分

Did you know that World War I was the first time in American history in which women were officially members of the American military in a capacity other than as nurses?

This uniform was worn by an army contract surgeon. Women doctors were not allowed to join the Army Medical Corps. Only the Army Nurse Corps accepted women. But the army did issue contracts to a small number of female physicians, who remained civilians even though they worked in uniform.

This week, we're exploring how women participated in World War I as part of our year-long #AmericaParticipates theme. Have the women in your family history pitched in during wartime, whether in official roles or less formal types of support?

?? #WorldWar1 #WorldWarI #WorldWarIWomen #WomensHistory #MedHist #HistMed

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