キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月20日 02時01分

Who you are is defined by the small moments of your life. How you treat one person is how you treat everyone. Every single person is worth your time. The taxi driver, the waitstaff, the cleaners, the check-in agent, your accountant, your lawyer, your yoga teacher, your car sales man, a police officer, a fireman, the President, a famous actor. Don't wait for someone fabulous to be nice. Be nice to everyone because in the eyes of spirit we are all equal. Today's #YogiAssignment is Friendliness. Called Maitri in Sanskrit, cultivating at attitude of friendliness changes your world to a more peaceful place. Take time to get to know everyone in your life because no one is put there randomly. Ask questions, listen with an open and curious heart. If you could see yourself through the eyes of spirit then you would know without a doubt that we are all stars, that we are all worthy of love, that we all deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Be friendly to everyone you meet today. Share a smile and it might change someone's day. Don't save up your kindness for someone special because everyone is special, everyone is a spiritual being looking for love and you might just be the divine messenger of a healing gift today. practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo by @ifilmyoga Follow my snapchat "kinoyoga" for the full story ?


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