シャンテル・ヴァンサンテンのインスタグラム(therealshantel) - 5月21日 02時22分

#wcw these powerful Women are fighting, surviving or supporting the fight against #lungcancer. I am proud to stand beside them and unite for this cause @lungforce. It wasn't until my grandmother was diagnosed I found out the facts!! I learned lung cancer is the number one killer of women in America and the death rate has doubled in the last few decades. I learned there is no early detection methods and it can happen to anyone, even non smokers, like my grandmother. It kills more in a year than breast, prostate and colon cancer combined!! We need to make people aware of this epidemic and start the wheels of change. Give a voice to the voiceless, show those fighting they aren't alone and change these facts! Will you help me? #ShareYourVoice #turquoisetakeover #LUNGFORCE #strongwomenunite #DD


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