シャンテル・ヴァンサンテンのインスタグラム(therealshantel) - 5月13日 11時47分

Today has been an HONOR beyond comprehension or words. @LUNGFORCE gave me this award tonight. They have made such a positive impact this last year and are a strong platform we should all participate with. I share this award with each of you who donated, supported, shared your stories and evoked change with me. We have more work ahead but with #ShareYourVoice we have the opportunity to make others aware. The opportunity to fight alongside those fighting for themselves. The opportunity to inspire and educate. Our voice can honor the voiceless and let those fighting know they are not alone. We need to ERASE the stigma and raise awarness. I dedicate this award to my grandma she is the reason I have this opportunity. Bittersweet as this moment is she is my hero. She bravely fought #lungcancer so I fight on to honor her until the the ugly C word, cancer is replaced with a new C word... CURED!! Tonight I feel so close to her and grateful beyond expression. #iloveyouGrandma #LUNGFORCE #sleepingwiththis


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




