ゲームのインスタグラム(losangelesconfidential) - 9月11日 01時55分

This very sad story hit me in a place nothing ever has. The picture above is of 6 year old "Tiana Ricks" who was gunned down in Moreno Valley this past weekend holding onto her fathers leg as men approached & opened fire wounding both Tiana & her father.... Tiana did not know she was shot & kept asking was her father okay until 2 1/2 hours later when lil Tiana was passed away just after midnite on Sunday... I read about this story here in Australia & immediately tracked down her mother @lost_the_love_of_my_life & noticed her & the family trying to raise $10,000 for funeral costs.... So I got her on a 3 way with my accountant & now I'm in the process of transferring $10,000 from my account to hers !!!!! Follow her now @lost_the_love_of_my_life & show her support thru this tough time...... Prayers are definitely needed. My sincerest condolences to you & your family Marquia. Glad that I could be of some help..... I don't know what else to say, but @therobinhoodproject got you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #TheRobinHoodProject


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