ゲームのインスタグラム(losangelesconfidential) - 9月10日 16時19分

Meet Keith, homeless man from Melbourne who didn't have a sign & wasnt begging who says he comes into the city every day from his home, a park right outside of town just to be around people because he's lonely. He's also hungry & in need of work. #TheRobinHoodProject was started on one man's (me) interaction with an African kid named John who I gave $20 because that time I only had that on me & every night since then I've wished I couldve given him more for his family...... This morning, I woke with a new plan... To do my damnedest do give away $1,000,000 dollars before Xmas day. I don't need help, nor handout. What I need is for you people to follow @therobinhoodproject & support the movement. Tag a few people you think this will motivate & hash tag #therobinhoodproject thanks - The Game


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