ゲームのインスタグラム(losangelesconfidential) - 9月9日 19時16分

2 things that have kept me going in music this long..... #1 my children & #2 all of my fans !!!!! It is the biggest honor to be valued so much by a person that they tattoo your face or likeness on themselves permanently..... Over the years I've been privileged to meet people with me tatted on them & some I haven't.... I've not been able to personally collect all the pictures because there are thousands & that alone keeps me humbled & very appreciative. The ones in the pic above is a collage of pics that @leauxsteez has gathered of people who got me tatted in the year 2013 alone....... When I look at all of them, I feel proud & a sense of major accomplishment. So to all my true fans & the ones in the pic & ones not.... YOU ARE APPRECIATED !!!!!!!!!


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