VICEのインスタグラム(vice) - 7月18日 01時10分

You’ve been thinking it, now we got proof: climate change is changing the color of the oceans, making them greener over time, according to a new study that analyzed 20 years of specialized satellite observations. ⁠

The discovery offers the first clear evidence that human-driven climate change is altering the color of the seas by disrupting tiny marine organisms called phytoplankton, which reflect green light. ⁠

“So the reflectance changing means that the ecosystem is changing—even if it’s hard to say exactly how with the current state of our knowledge about plankton ecosystems,” said lead researcher B.B. Cael.⁠

So: we know for sure that modern lifestyles are making the oceans greener, but *how exactly* remains a mystery.


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