豊田章男さんのインスタグラム写真 - (豊田章男Instagram)「. 先週、東京ドームで都市対抗野球初戦となるNTT東日本戦がありました。 地元・豊田市の期待も背負い臨んだ一戦でしたが、昨年準優勝の強豪相手に敗れました。  従業員らとともに私も初回からスタンドで選手たちのプレーを見守りましたが、応援してくれたのは球場に駆けつけた人たちだけではありません。  今回、都市対抗の応援企画として、トヨタイムズ放送部が東京ドームから試合を生中継! 森田京之介キャスターの実況と野球部・六埜雅司マネージャーの解説で1,500人もの人たちが試合を観戦してくれました。  ゲストとして放送を盛り上げてくれたのは野球部のOBたち。 元中日ドラゴンズ、現トヨタ野球部の吉見一起テクニカルアドバイザー、中日ドラゴンズの木下拓哉選手、埼玉西武ライオンズの源田壮亮選手、千葉ロッテマリーンズの藤岡裕大選手、広島東洋カープの栗林良吏選手。  現役部員たちの激励、本当にありがとうございました!  ちなみに大の野球好きの森田キャスターの夢は東京ドームで野球実況をすること。 豪華ゲストも呼んで、念願も叶えて、いきいきと実況してくれました。  私も番組の途中、人生で初めて球場の放送席にお邪魔するなど、例年にない都市対抗の魅力も味わわせてもらいました。  来年の都市対抗は5月、戦いはもう始まっています。 硬式野球部・レッドクルーザーズ! 半年後に迫った次の大会こそ、勝ってこいよ!  Last week our team played at the National Intercity Nonpro Baseball Championship Series with NTT EAST, last year’s second-place winner.   This year not only did we have fans over at the Tokyo Stadium, but we also had fans and colleagues who cheered them on through Toyota Times Live! We had over 1,500 views, thanks to the Morita-san and Rokuno-san, baseball team manager.  My gratitude also goes to the old members of our baseball team from Yoshimi-san, the team’s technical advisor, Kinoshita-san from the Dragons, Genda-san from the Lions, Fujioka-san from the Marines, and Kuribayashi-san from the Carps.   As a side note, Morita-san’s, our Toyota Times’ newscaster and baseball lover dreamed of broadcasting a baseball match at the Tokyo Stadium. With all the fantastic guests, he did such a tremendous job.  I also had a unique first experience appearing at the live booth.  Unfortunately, we lost our last game, but our next goal had begun.  To all the members of the Red Cruisers, go and win the game in May and be the champion of the next tournament! I believe in all of you!  #第92回都市対抗野球大会 #トヨタ野球部 #レッドクルーザーズ #gazoosports」12月7日 12時00分 - akiotoyoda_official

豊田章男のインスタグラム(akiotoyoda_official) - 12月7日 12時00分









Last week our team played at the National Intercity Nonpro Baseball Championship Series with NTT EAST, last year’s second-place winner.

This year not only did we have fans over at the Tokyo Stadium, but we also had fans and colleagues who cheered them on through Toyota Times Live! We had over 1,500 views, thanks to the Morita-san and Rokuno-san, baseball team manager.

My gratitude also goes to the old members of our baseball team from Yoshimi-san, the team’s technical advisor, Kinoshita-san from the Dragons, Genda-san from the Lions, Fujioka-san from the Marines, and Kuribayashi-san from the Carps.

As a side note, Morita-san’s, our Toyota Times’ newscaster and baseball lover dreamed of broadcasting a baseball match at the Tokyo Stadium. With all the fantastic guests, he did such a tremendous job.

I also had a unique first experience appearing at the live booth.

Unfortunately, we lost our last game, but our next goal had begun.

To all the members of the Red Cruisers, go and win the game in May and be the champion of the next tournament! I believe in all of you!



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



