山下智久さんのインスタグラム写真 - (山下智久Instagram)「バレーボールの中継でV6がパフォーマンスをしていて、小学生の僕はかっこいいな〜とTVに釘付けになっていた事を思い出します。そして僕にとっての初めてのコンサートツアーはV6のバックダンサーとして、参加させて頂いきました。ツアーに参加できる事が決まった時は夢のようでした。 あの経験を通して本当に沢山の事を学ばせて頂いたなと思います。  コンサート終わりに、井ノ原くんにホテルの部屋に呼び出されて、何か失敗しちゃったかなと、ドキドキしながら 部屋に入って、健くんがクローゼットから出てくるってドッキリをされた事を今でも覚えてます。笑 長野くんはいつも、穏やかで優しく笑いかけてくれて、坂本くんのストイックさに、僕らも刺激されて気が引き締まっていました。 剛くんのソロ曲のラップがかっこよくていつもステージ裏で真似して歌っていました。 すごく大変なツアーだったけど、岡田くんはライブ終わりにJr.たちの楽屋に来てくれて、労いの言葉をかけてくれたり、楽しませてくれる本当に素敵な先輩方です。 朝はカミセン、昼はトニセン、夜はV6という1日3回のコンサートで、 僕らは役60曲くらい振り付けを覚えなきゃいけなくて、無我夢中で駆け抜けた事は僕の人生の大切な財産です。 ^ ^ 本当にお疲れ様でした。 ありがとうございました!!!  I remember when V6 was performing on a volleyball broadcast, I  was an elementary school student, I couldn’t take my eyes off the TV.  For my first concert tour, I participated as a V6 back dancer.  It was like a dream when they told me I would be on tour. I think I learned a lot from that experience.  At the end of the concert, Inohara-kun called me to his hotel room, I still remember being surprised when I entered the room and Ken-kun came jumping out from the closet.  Nagano -Kun always laughed calmly and kindly, and Sakamoto-Kun well he is very stoic and that always inspired us a lot. Go-kun's solo song was cool and I would always sing-along back stage.  It was a very tough tour, but Okada-kun was always really nice to us. He came to the dressing room of Jr. and others at the end of the live and gave us good words. It encouraged us. The concert schedule could be extreme. Kamisen in the morning, Tonisen in the daytime, and V6 in the evening, three times a day. We had to learn the choreography for about 60 songs, and running through it was an important asset to my life. I can’t thank V6 enough.」11月1日 12時36分 - tomo.y9

山下智久のインスタグラム(tomo.y9) - 11月1日 12時36分


^ ^

I remember when V6 was performing on a volleyball broadcast, I was an elementary school student, I couldn’t take my eyes off the TV.
For my first concert tour, I participated as a V6 back dancer. It was like a dream when they told me I would be on tour.
I think I learned a lot from that experience.

At the end of the concert, Inohara-kun called me to his hotel room,
I still remember being surprised when I entered the room and Ken-kun came jumping out from the closet.
Nagano -Kun always laughed calmly and kindly, and Sakamoto-Kun well he is very stoic and that always inspired us a lot.
Go-kun's solo song was cool and I would always sing-along back stage.
It was a very tough tour, but Okada-kun was always really nice to us.
He came to the dressing room of Jr. and others at the end of the live and gave us good words.
It encouraged us.
The concert schedule could be extreme.
Kamisen in the morning, Tonisen in the daytime, and V6 in the evening, three times a day.
We had to learn the choreography for about 60 songs, and running through it was an important asset to my life.
I can’t thank V6 enough.


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